Thursday, October 29, 2009

"30 Rock's" Tracy Morgan on NPR

I'm a big fan of "30 Rock". I can't quote every witty line from every show, but who can? I'm actually doing a research project on "30 Rock". It's called "The Fun Cooker: Mixing up "30 Rock", Social Media and Social Networking". That might be too crafty for the academic types for this particular conference where I'm presenting, but if you watch the show, you'll remember how hilarious the 'fun cooker' episode was.

Leading up to season four of "30 Rock", there was some hype and attention. I mean they did win a Golden Globe as well as some Emmys, so they should be getting a bit more notice from the general public.

I say all that to say, that Tracy Morgan was recently on NPR's "Fresh Air" with Terri Gross. I should also note that Terri Gross is one of thee best interviewers ever! Her shining interviews skills are not so apparent in her interview w/Morgan. He managed to trip her up on multiple occasions. I still think she did a good job, but I could tell that she was expecting a funnyman and got a large dose of seriousness. The interview is definitely worth listening to.

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