Monday, August 29, 2011

Music Monday 107 :: Slow Club "Two Cousins"

Music Monday 107 :: Slow Club "Two Cousins"

This video from Slow Club for "Two Cousins" is every bit of cool. It's obvious that the music and the dancing don't match up, but the vid is so likable because of the energy from the dancing. Love that it's in black and white too.

Slow Club - Two Cousins - YouTube:

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Monday, August 22, 2011

Music Monday 106 :: Breakdancing and Street Art in Barcelona

Music Monday 106 :: Breakdancing and Street Art in Barcelona

I've been absent from blogging because I was on an extended vacation. The first time I've ever gone on an official vacation for a full three weeks. Whoa! Three full weeks in Barcelona and Madrid - and solo traveling (mostly). More on the actual trip in blog post or two later this week.

But to keep this blog post focused on Music Monday, I'm sharing some photos that I took in my first week in Barca in early August. Imagine my surprise as we were heading to beach one evening around 7 p.m. and I spotted a crowd around this breakdancing team. I didn't catch their name, but a couple of them had some really cool moves.

My bad, but there's no music ... of course, it's music related because breakdancing and hip hop go together like ham and cheese.

Breakdancing and Street Art in Barcelona SlideShow in full view

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Monday, August 08, 2011

Music Monday 105 :: ‪Lenny Kravitz "Stand"

Music Monday 105 :: Lenny Kravitz "Stand"

The website SoulBounce brought this video to my attention. It's a funny vid, but I do like the song. Lenny comes correct - again! Love that.

His new project, "Black and White America," will be released in late August.
Check him out on Twitter: Lenny Kravitz

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Monday, August 01, 2011

Music Monday 104 :: ‪Nickelback - Rockstar‬‏

Music Monday 104 :: Nickelback "Rockstar"

This is a nice twangy track from Nickelback - "Rockstar." Love the lyrics on this one.

‪Nickelback - Rockstar‬‏ - YouTube

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